Church Streaming: Amazingly Explained 4 Beginners

Technology has brought many things online such as movies, video games, etc… So why not church streaming?

Church streaming live allows you to grow your congregation worldwide but there is much added value to your current members. Those who have difficulty attending for reasons like illness, age, weather conditions, and the list goes on can continue to follow.

Read on to find out how you can bring this added value to your community as well.

What is church streaming?

You have possibly already worked with some type of live streaming but, simply put, church streaming live means using a microphone to record and broadcast a sermon in real-time or pre-recorded online.

Why stream your church services online?

religious institution; congregation; community; family; faith; church streaming

As previously mentioned, you can include those who may be unable to physically attend due to illness, age, distance, or disability to listen in on your sermons.

There is also a limited number of people that can physically fit in your place of worship but by including the online stream, that number can be multiplied exponentially and even attract new members outside your location. This can also lead to helping your church with a larger pool of donations.

Tips and tricks

With a better understanding of what and how church streaming can help create value to engaging with your members, we have listed a few tips to lead you in the right direction.

Choose the right equipment

You will most likely already have a microphone that is used within your place of worship. You would only require a computer to connect your microphone to the internet and an internet connection that can hand the streams speed which can start from 32 kbps and over 320 kbps.

Spread the word

Let everyone know by sharing through all channels including TwitterFacebookInstagram that you are now open to the public and can be heard online. Make your sermons available by letting people know where to go.

You may also want to let your members know through any newsletters, website, or any other form of communication you may have and possibly ask that they share this information to reach a greater audience.

Include the online audience

Keep in mind that your audience now stretched outside the boarders of your building. The members sitting right in front of you should still be the top priority but occasionally acknowledging the views at home or on the road can make them feel more included and invited to continue listening in.


Live streaming a great way to grow your community and spread the good word for all to hear. Hopefully this guide has given you some tidbits of knowledge to help you make the decision to start streaming.

Have you had successes or struggles with live streaming your sermons? Let us know, we are always here to help.

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